Why Training Providers Need a Training Management System

Written by Andy Jack

16 June 2021

Without the right systems and processes, a training business can be particularly difficult to operate. There’s all the logistics of the training venues, making sure your tech works for live online training, the administration of all the learners, the recruitment of new students… the list goes on!

As your training business grows and scales, keeping on top of all this without significantly increasing the number of employees is tough.

That’s why we really like training management systems. They help training companies and organisations manage all their clients and learners in one platform. In our experience, a good TMS means you can minimise headcount and avoid all the risks that come from managing through smaller individual systems or spreadsheets.

One of our favourite training management systems is Arlo. It’s rich in functionality, easy to use and powers training businesses all over the world. It provides you with a store you can use to sell your training courses and e-learning products to your customers and manage their enrollments and progress throughout.

But Arlo is a training management system, not a learning management system. If you want to deliver eLearning to your customers, you’ll need an LMS to deliver this.

That’s where LearnDash comes in! LearnDash is a plugin for WordPress and turns this popular CMS (Content Management System) into an LMS in just a few clicks. We love LearnDash’s flexibility and features. It’s very simple to spin up new courses, insert your content and have your learners acquiring new skills and knowledge in very little time.

Having a seamless enrollment process is key to a happy customer. We developed the Arlo-LearnDash integration plug-in to do just that. Your customers can purchase a course through your Arlo store, then have an account created for them in your LearnDash site. It’s all fully automated and the plug-in will even update Arlo with completion status too.

If you want to offer eLearning to your customers through your Arlo store, please check out the Arlo-LearnDash integration plugin for WordPress!


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