How to backup and restore your LearnDash LMS

Written by Andy Jack

25 October 2022

Your LearnDash LMS is a living, breathing system that’s constantly changing as learners progress through their courses or you add new content. So have you thought about what you would do if your platform ever broke, or you lost some data or you got hacked?

It’s vitally important to take regular backups of your LearnDash platform so that if anything were to happen you can restore it back to a recent point. In this video we’ll show you how.

0:00 – Why do you need backups?
0:40 – Backing up via your web hosting
1:03 – Installing the UpdraftPlus plugin
2:05 – Setting up the UpdraftPlus plugin
4:32 – Setting up remotely stored backups
6:45 – Manually creating a backup
8:00 – Restoring from a backup
8:55 – Summary


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